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Employee Onboarding Portal 2024 [Onboarding Software & Process]

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As an employer in 2024, it is vital to utilize new HR practices such as the use of an onboarding portal. These help in retaining new hires after a quality recruitment process.

A new hire onboarding portal decides your turnover rate. Digitate reports with an unpleasant onboarding process; new hires are 2x more likely to seek better opportunities. It means the cost of hiring doubles as you need to fill up the vacancy again.

Also, Glassdoor research says that the employee retention rate improves by 82% with a quality onboarding portal experience. To this finding, 93% of employers have agreed. Thus evident, that along with an ATS for recruitment purposes, you also need an employee onboarding portal. Why? So that talented hires do not leave. Indeed, productive employees help in generating revenues.

Employee retention

Before proceeding, first, let's describe an onboarding portal.

What is Onboarding Portal?

It is a feature in the ATS to onboard new employees. The online onboarding portal permits new hires to learn about your company, sign-up for benefits, submit forms, etc. It helps new hires in starting work from day one.

The new hire onboarding portal automates all the manual onboarding processes. Its main focus is on people, processes, and paperwork. However, a formal and consistent people-focused portal works best. This being said, Human Capital Institute reports that 74% of HR practitioners believe onboarding is underutilized, which is alarming.

The onboarding portal is your organization's first impression of new hires. A dull portal without directions misleads. Such portals confuse the employees and mess up the whole onboarding process.

New hire onboarding is a complicated process that can last up to 12 months. No wonder thinking about the yearlong process, 20% of employees quit during the initial 45 days.

Onboarding Portal

Again, recruiting the right candidate is only part of a good and productive team. The process is extensive for onboarding candidates. For better time management, you need a well-structured onboarding portal.

Difference Between Onboarding and Orientation

People usually think that these two processes are the same. But the truth is that employee onboarding is different from orientation. The onboarding process consists of a series of events and focuses on the new hires' everyday tasks. Orientation, on the other hand, is just a part of onboarding. It familiarizes new employees with the organization and is a one-time event.

There you go, the knots untangled and confusions clarified. Hence proved, you need both to succeed in employee management.

Benefits of New Hire Onboarding Portal

The onboarding portal consists of different features. These assist your employees in better engagement, team building, mentoring, etc. However, here the question is, what are these features, and what is their importance? Let us discuss them.


#1. Onboarding portals help in the online connectivity of new employees

Did you know? On average, 54 activities are included in the new-hire onboarding experience. Some of these activities are e-form submissions or e-signatures. Additionally, outcome-based targets are also assigned through onboarding portals. These targets can be acquiring market knowledge or completing training courses.


The onboarding portal activities break the ice for your new hires in job initiation. Once your employees get familiar with work, they would want to achieve better.

The onboarding portal is used as a medium to manage all HR activities. Having a standardized portal for all is hard to use. Therefore a customized employee onboarding portal is crucial.

#2. Onboarding portals are customized according to organizational needs

Considering employee diversity, onboarding portals can be customized. It means no two portals are the same as reviewed by a study.

The content on the portal is managed through a content management system. Utilizing this feature, you and other users can edit information and add pages, videos, and images for better employee involvement. Guess what is so unique about this feature?

It does not require technical training. If you know basic MS word, you are good to go. Your new hires will also appreciate this feasibility. They will not have to contact HR every time for any updates. Peace for both the HR department and employees!

#3. Employee onboarding portals prioritize security

As an employer, you need to keep a record of different information and other employee data. The data needs security, both through access control and being backed up and protected with physical security. It should not be publicly available but only for the users. For this, the onboarding portal login requires a user id and password. The login details remain with the account holders.

So, if you are one of us, enter the login details and get in. Otherwise, no entry! Security is the priority.

#4. Training through a new-hire onboarding portal is easy

Employees with a demanding routine find it hard to remember different due dates and scheduled meetings. When you have a big organization, a communication gap is inevitable. With the onboarding portal, employees can easily access their training and meeting schedules.

Similarly, to-do lists make them stay vigilant about their upcoming tasks too. Any update? Just send one reminder to notify all the members about what is next.

Besides, the onboarding portal acts as an e-learning platform. Workforce diversity means different languages, workstyles, and demographics. For this, the portal can provide learning flexibility. It will make training easy, causing individuals to engage more.

Does it not happen with all of us? If something is easy, we take more challenges for high dopamine leading to better engagement.


Onboarding software provides different and specific training courses as per the requirements. Moreover, it helps in evaluating the training needs to improve performance. The onboarding portal's purpose is to act as the online gateway to the organization. It solves problems that could be time-consuming manually.

Best Tips For Onboarding New Hires in 2024

By now, you are well aware of the importance of an outstanding onboarding portal. Utilizing these vital features is one part of an effective onboarding process. In today's time, employees want more. They want all the helpful tools and information to be efficient. To ensure productive employees stay with you, follow the tips for onboarding below.

Tip #1. Reach out to your new hire onboarding

The hiring process is complete? What is next? Just imagine being in the place of your employees. If your employer does not email you for follow-up, would that not confuse you? The same would be the case with your employees.

Make sure you do not give them the silent treatment; instead, send them a welcome message. Tell your employees what is needed next or the office they need to visit etc. Having no word from the organization will create a misimpression. Rather than always looking for information, employees would look for better opportunities. Think about it.

Tip #2. Put updated content on the onboarding portal

With the outbreak of Covid-19, most organizations have executed work-from-home policies. It means no physical interaction. Here, the onboarding portal is all that the employees have. Make sure, as an employer, you upload updated content that explains work well. It could be documents or videos, and pictures that visually put out your requirements. 

With every new project, you would not want to stay on-call every time to explain work to each individual. It would disrupt your productivity too. Also, in case you are unreachable, then your employees' work would delay. Who would suffer then? Your organization would.

company culture and onboarding process

Tip #3. Communicate with new hires

Rather than just burdening your employees with work, communicate with them. Take their valuable feedback to know how you can improve. You never know what you are missing out on that could further refine your onboarding process. Chats through your onboarding portal can facilitate communication.

These can also be group chats for team bonding and teamwork. New hires' perspective about you and their comfort is very critical for the whole onboarding process. You can even allot mentors for each new hire to address their issues. Thus, communication through the onboarding portal is a way to keep a check on your employees. Employees wouldn't feel helpless in times of need.

The Best Onboarding Software for Small-Sized Organizations in 2024

There are multiple sellers of onboarding software, each having unique qualities. Still, if you are looking for something different from these yet affordable, iSmartRecruit is the best choice. Why? It specifically caters to the needs of small-sized organizations, either with ATS or any other Recruitment Software.

Who would know better than the niche expert? Above all, it has all the features that you require to onboard your new hires. Have a look.

Is it Time to Buy the Online Onboarding Portal?

To sum up, by now, you know the importance of managing paperwork and employee activities. In this decade, along with the perfect hiring process, employee retention is also necessary. Without further ado, jump on the bandwagon like other well-established organizations.


Lastly, now is the right time. So, take the first step. An onboarding portal will organize your everyday tiring activities. The portal will increase employee productivity by 54% and the retention rate by 50%, stats prove. If you still do not get this portal, things may get out of hand over time.

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