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Full Recruitment Life Cycle: 7 Stages of Recruitment Process

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If you have the following thoughts in your mind regarding the full recruitment life cycle such as:

  • What is the end to end recruitment?

  • What are the different stages of recruitment?

  • What is the full recruitment life cycle?

  • How to conduct the recruitment life cycle process?

Then, check out this article to learn about the recruitment process and stages of recruitment.

The full recruitment life cycle refers to the entire hiring process. And all the phases from which the hiring manager and recruiter undergo. 

Recruitment is a core function of the HR department. There are many stages in the recruitment process. Thus, the human resource department has to go through various stages of recruitment to hire great employees.

The whole recruitment process

The stages in recruitment are broadly divided into three parts:

1:- Stages before the job advertising

2:- Stages during the selection process and

3:- Stages after the final selection. We will explore these stages of recruitment further in the content.

While moving ahead to understand the full recruitment life cycle, let us first understand what the recruitment process is?

What is Recruitment Process?

Recruitment is the essential practice of HR departments, and their principal responsibility influences a company on all levels. It is crucial to understand all the stages and objectives of the complete recruitment life cycle because it is one of the principal elements of HR.

Hence, it starts with the process of finding a new employee, and it ends with hiring. It is the best practice for those organizations that seek long-term hires that are profound.

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Who Conducts the Stages of the Recruitment Process?

Within small companies, a department head or manager is usually responsible for the end-to-end recruiting process

Large organizations are often put in charge of people from the HR department. Thus, some world-renewed corporations have independent HR divisions that take care of each stage of the recruitment process.

The process of the full life cycle of recruitment follows the company's need to fill a gap, find a compatible candidate to fill that job position, all the steps of going through an interview, and identifying the best job applicant, selection, and onboardingAfter onboarding, creating a 30-60-90 day plan helps managers to strategize the employee work performance. There are several benefits and uses of 30 60 90 day plan for managers.

Full Recruitment Life Cycle: 7 Stages of Recruitment Process

The full recruitment life cycle is about managing and handling stages of hiring. Which is what an end to end recruitment is. As we know, the whole recruitment process comprises different stages. Here are the 7 stages of recruitment that are the primary reason for successful hiring.

Stages of recruitment process

1. Understanding and Analysing the Requirements

The first recruitment stage of the full recruitment life cycle is to gather the requirements from the client or hiring manager and conduct an examination (e.g., gap analysis) to identify what is the best way to meet job position-related expectations and needs.

Getting this step of the recruitment process right is essential because it will determine the rest of your full recruitment life cycle process. Be well-prepared and define what the next hire should fulfill and what type of person is the best for that role.

If you want to ensure you are on the right path, consider what kind of experience, qualifications, and education should that employee have. Thus, consider whether they should be flexible and open to remote work, how much they will receive as compensation, and what they will get from working in your company.

The Focal Points are:

  • Size of the organization
  • Salary range and structure
  • Company culture and work environment of the organization
  • Growth percentage of the company
  • Number of requirements
  • Skills, qualifications, and experience
  • The current state of employment

2. Preparing for the Job Description

After identifying these requirements, it's time to create an engaging and accurate job description that will attract the candidate you need.

Important part of job description

Preparing for the job description is another stage of the recruitment process; once you discover all the requirements of an ideal employee, such as qualifications, experience, skills, and others, forming a good job description for potential candidates will no longer remain difficult.

The Checklist of the Perfect Job Description:

  • Company name and detail
  • Type of jobs and job titles
    • Number of open positions
    • Salary structure
    • Location
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Specific skills, knowledge, and experience
    • Additional skills and certifications
    • Benefit offers

    Job description from which candidates try to match themselves for the position. Thus, the job description should be written carefully with accurate information. The other stages of the full recruitment life cycle will be fruitful because this will attract suitable candidates for the position.

     3. Source Suitable Candidates

    After creating a compelling and all-encompassing job ad, it's time to start sharing and advertising the position—another recruitment step of the full recruitment life cycle process. There are various ways and places to attract suitable candidates.

    1. Searching the Web

    You don't have to wait for the candidates to come to you. The internet is full of talented people that could fit into your organization. Seek them and try to identify those that reflect similar values and sets of skills. Most people would be happy to receive an unexpected job offer. Hence, if you find someone promising, reach out and ask them to apply.

    2. Social Media Recruiting

    These are the most frequent forms and the best platforms to target millennials and generation Z. Share the job ad and additional material on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

    social recruiting

    3. Job Boards

    One of the safest and most traditional routes is to share vacancies on job boards and career websites.

    4. Referrals

     Another trusted method is to encourage employee referrals because they are the ones who know the best what the company needs and which profiles to target.

    5. In-house Recruiting

    Re-evaluate all the current job positions and employees. The right talent might already be in front of you but working in a different job position or department. Consider whether training and transfer could be your answer.

    4. Application Screening

    One of the most time-consuming and demanding stages, screening, stands for reviewing and evaluating all the job applications. While it's challenging, this step is also critical to identifying the best talent, and you need to analyze each resume and cover letter carefully, paying attention to the detail. However, you can also consider using software to speed up recruitment.

    As you seek a resume that points to a candidate who would be a perfect fit for the job, you can also conduct a brief phone interview to weed out incompatible job applicants. That's also a great way to get more insights into who are the persons behind the resumes.

    Streamline your hiring process now!!!

    5. Select the Best Talents

    Another critical stage of the recruitment process, the selection, includes conducting thorough interviews with the best talents who passed the screening phase. By now, you should be sure what you are looking for to fill the position and what kind of a candidate will feel the most comfortable in your company, and in return, give the best results.

    Ensure that you are ready for this stage of the full recruitment life cycle, that you have prepared questions, and that you have a method of getting the answer to all you need to know.

    6. Hiring an Ideal Employee

    Hiring is another stage of the recruitment process. As you finalize the selection phase, you will probably already have an idea of who is the ideal employee. The final decision comes after going again through all the insights and data. Talking about the decision with other team members and departments is recommended. Once you decide, it's time to invite the candidate and give an official job offer. 

    Include all the terms of hiring, including the salary, schedule, working hours, and potential deal-breakers. Be aware that you might have to negotiate these terms beforehand, so you must determine what is non-negotiable.

    7. Effective Onboarding

    Make sure you have a good onboarding strategy because this is a crucial stage that might affect whether the employee wants to continue working in the company. Create an engaging and detailed onboarding with a welcome pack and team introduction. For that, you will need an effective and change management process to integrate a more structured onboarding process.

    The outcome of your full recruitment life cycle process should be an employee who feels ready to start working because they have all the necessary information about their job position and the company.

    Complete guide about onboarding plan


    While discussing the hiring stages, it is essential to consider current recruitment trends that have changed the entire talent acquisition scenario worldwide.

    Having understood the 7 stages mentioned above of the recruitment process as a complete recruitment life cycle, the goal to transform traditional recruiting into smart recruiting has become challenging. As per the current facts and rapidly increasing demand for artificial intelligence, many employers and staffing agencies are willing to invest more in AI-based recruitment software that helps them streamline the hiring process and increases brand value through effective recruitment marketing.

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