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Top 11 Common Interview Questions and How to Answer them?

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Job Interviews can be stressful, but if you knew the questions that the interviewer would ask you, wouldn't it be a boon?! Though we do not practice mind-reading or any kind of sorcery and we do not recommend mugging up answers for every interview question, we do bring you a list of questions that are likely to be asked in an interview. Also if you have an idea of how to answer these questions, you can easily get through the interview. Interviewers ask these questions to get an idea about the candidate regarding their skills, interests, work experience, and so on. So, consider this list, your interview question study guide for acing your next interview.

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

This is the simplest and one of the common questions during the interview, yet people fail to prepare for it. Normally, when this question is asked, people give their whole employment or educational history, but the key is to pitch 2 to 3 accomplishments that show that you are fit for the applied job and end it with how those experiences will help you in this role. Define what you do and your interests that relate to the job. You can also script what you want to say as this is a definite question and practice well.

Sometimes the interviewer wants to know about you more than what you have mentioned in the resume. They are giving a chance to tell more about yourself. Be confident and share your interests, likes, and accomplishments. Try to explain what you are and what you could do for the company but remember not to overshare.

2. What are your strengths?

For this question, make your answer very specific. For example, instead of saying you are a people person, you should be specific and say that you are great at building relationships and have good communication skills. Also, you can add an example where you used those skills in your previous work experience. Hiring an expert to help with interview coaching can help here. They will help differentiate your answers from other candidates.

Brainstorm and list out the top strengths in you. Mention those strengths that are appropriate to the job role. For example, if you are interviewing for the manager position, you can add your strengths related to leadership. If you are unsure about your strengths, you can ask your friends or colleagues about the best qualities they see in you. It is good to get an opinion from others. Be accurate and tell those strengths that you are sure and possess.

3. What is your weakness? 

Weakness is a question that can make or break your chances of getting a job. Here, your interviewer is testing you about how self-aware you so do not answer it by saying you don't have any weaknesses or that you work too hard. Instead, tell them about something you struggle with but are trying to improve. For example, you can say that you are not too good at public speaking, but you recently participated in a debate or will try your hands in an open.

Weakness can also depict something which is not negative. For example, you can say, I give a lot of attention to details or I have trouble saying no. Be truthful and try to answer your weakness instead of saying that you don’t have any. The interviewer is checking how good you are in accepting your weakness and how you would explain working on it.

4. Why do you want to work here? 

No one wants to hire a person who works only for the money, they want to hire someone passionate about their work. You can look at the requirements about your role and how they fit and interest you and add how you like the company and due to this reason you would like to work in that company.

Do research on the company you are appearing for the interview with. Learn completely about what they are doing, what they offer, their company culture. Have a positive approach while answering this. This would help you to better answer this question.

5. Where do you see yourself in five years? 

With this question, the candidate is being tested on two bases: Firstly, If they are ambitious and secondly, if their future goals align with the current job position. The best way to tackle this question is by thinking realistically and replying to where the job position would take you. They want to know your career goals and understand if you are an ambitious and career-oriented person. You could also add that you are not sure and you are open to exploring this job position to help you decide for the future.

6. Why are you leaving your current job? 

The key factor here is to keep things positive and not frame your previous employers in a bad light. Answer it in a way where you seem excited about exploring new opportunities or that the new position is a better fit for you. Looking for new career opportunities could be the reason for leaving the current job. You can mention it by saying that you are looking for career growth. If you have been let go from your previous job, be truthful about it and keep it simple. Be honest with the reason for leaving your current job and try to approach this question in a positive way.

7. What are your interests and hobbies? 

Sometimes, the candidates are asked about their interests and hobbies to find out how they would fit the company's culture and understand their personalities. So, keep it mildly professional and open up about your interests. You can always add up your hobbies that’s in the interest of the company or that would fit their company culture. You can add your interests such as cooking, gardening, painting, creative arts, etc that would present a creative side of yourself.

8. What do you think we could do differently? 

This is a common interview question to see if you are a critical thinker and bring new ideas promptly. So, go prepared in the interview by reading about the company and pitch them a few ideas or features that you think would increase the company's conversions. Do research on the company and what they do. This gives you an opportunity to suggest any changes if required. It may not be a detailed plan, but an idea to show them that you would rightfully be able to contribute to the company. 

9. Why should we hire you? 

This can be one of the questions in your interview. You can answer this by saying that you are the right fit for the position and you deliver the expected results on time. Even if you don’t have an idea about some things, you can always say that you would learn and will be a great addition to the team. So, the best way to answer this question is by telling them that you can work with zest and deliver the required results and would fit perfectly their team and culture.

10. What are your salary expectations?

Letting your future employer know about your salary requirements can be tricky as you do not want to pitch too high or too low. This depends on the industry, position, work experience, prior salary history. So, it's better to do some research on job boards where you can find a range of income for similar job positions based on skills, education qualification, experience, etc. Based on this, pitch your salary requirement, but make sure that the interviewer knows that you are flexible and you are negotiating according to your skill value. Make a point that says you are negotiable and would agree upon industry standards.

11. Do you have any questions for me?

This is usually the last question of your interview and your last chance to leave a strong impression. So, grab the opportunity and find out if the job is right for you by knowing more about the job position, the department, and the team. You can ask questions on the position that is offered to you, work culture, and anything that would mark a good impression in the interview. You can even ask about the latest developments in the company.

The above interview questions will surely help you have an idea about the interview and how you can prepare for the same. Now that we have covered all the common job interview questions, it's time for you to practice and do your research about the company. Finally, add a pinch of confidence and a smile and you are all ready for your job interview! 

Common Interview Questions Summary

These are a few common questions to ask during an interview, and you can give the best answers for common interview questions. Apart from these prepare core questions of the position you are applying for.
Also, while going for an interview make sure you dress professionally, arrive at the interview place on time, and answer all the questions positively and confidently.
You will Definitely Nail That Job Interview!!

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