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23 Recruiting Trends HRs Must Implement for Better 2024

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Do you have the following questions concerning the recruiting trends such as

  • What are the new recruiting trends in the recruitment industry?
  • What about future recruitment trends for 2024?
  • What are the things to know about the latest recruiting trends?
  • What are the different HR recruiting trends in 2024?

If yes, this blog, 23 New Recruiting Trends you should implement in 2024, is insightful.

The latest recruiting trends are highly different from previous years, as we are experiencing more uncertain times than ever. And it is hard to believe in forecasts, even from experts and highly acclaimed professionals.

New trends in recruitment and selection should be more focusable points for the recruitment industry. Like every year, 2023 is full of blog posts focused on trend predictions, but no one could see a pandemic coming. Yet, 2024 will surprise us with an unprecedented event that will shape our generation.

It is frightening and exciting to think that we are a part of history and a year that will have its place in textbooks. Historians, philosophers, and scientists will look back on the times we are living in right now and analyze our response to the situation and how it affected our industries.

Hence, although 2023 is teaching us that planning and forecasting may be just an illusion, the new realm tempts us more than ever to try and imagine.

If we are experiencing something that not every generation has got to see, we have to think about how that will shape our lives, how we get by, and how we work. 

That is why we are looking back on recruiting trends for 2022 to determine which ones will highlight the ones ahead of us.

We have analyzed what talent acquisition technologies and tools HR needed the most during this year and how that opened a path to what will be essential in 2024.

Latest 23 Recruiting Trends Every HR & Recruiter Must Implement

One thing is sure - technology will shape most of next year's recruiting trends in the recruitment industry, just like it did this year. In an ever-evolving and tech-driven world, recruiters will inevitably rely on virtual support.

Many professionals and sectors see innovative technology as a threat to their roles, but 54% of HR recruiters see it more as an opportunity. 

We have considered it all when evaluating and making predictions for the future. The top 23 new recruiting trends for 2024. 

1. Remote work will increase rapidly in recruitment 

Although this might sound like old news, the working-from-home trend is one of the recruiting trends that will not fade once we start a new chapter. 98% of workers want to have the option of remote work at least some of the weeks.

Thus, no matter how widespread teleworking was all over the globe in 2022, the statistics still show that employers are not sure how to keep their employees productive.

There is much more to learn about remote work, making it a relevant question long after we put off the calendars for 2024. Besides, the reason why so many shifted to teleworking is still present. Many will encourage or keep their employees teleworking because it is also cost-saving and safer. 

Due to the pandemic probably continuing in 2022 to some extent, the following year can become the one where we seek the middle ground and ways for organizing better work from home. Employers and good recruiters will have to identify a way that works for (almost) everyone and highlight the benefits of teleworking to keep everyone connected and happy.

On the other side, HR professionals will also have to find efficient techniques and methods for remote recruitment and onboarding, which will take additional training and learning. We may not be aware of telework challenges yet, but they will arise the more we dive into the new realm.

2. E presenteeism

recent survey shows that we are witnessing the birth of a new remote work-related phenomenon among workers. The results of this research found that four in five HR managers think working from home is encouraging Epresenteeism, causing employees to feel that they should be online and available as much as possible. 

The most probable reason is that 86% of workers feel they need to prove to their bosses that they are hard-working and worthy of keeping that job. But, sadly, that can result in burnout and depression.

That can trigger another recruitment trend that will tackle the issue of over-connectedness and availability. It is the process of ensuring that employees are not overwhelmed and overworked. Employers will have to introduce programs and systems to encourage employees' work-life balance while being productive.

3. Diversity, equity, and inclusion will be a must

Another trend from the list of recruiting trends that might not be new is that it will continue to be a hot topic in 2024. According to the World Bank, workplace gender equality is one of the values that can help the global economy with up to £120 trillion. Besides, gender and ethnic workplace diversity can increase profitability by up to 33%

workplace gender equality is one of the values that can help the global economy with up to $120 trillion

But in 2024, there is a chance that companies will go beyond statistics and surface DE&I policies. The new recruiting trend will tackle systemic inequalities and how to enhance discriminatory systems. One such solution is the Pipplet Language Assessment, which offers inclusive, unbiased language assessment in over 40 languages.

4. Recruitment team well-being and mental health checks 

Focus on health and the value of well-being will be one of the pandemic's legacies. That is why 2023 is the beginning of implementing or evaluating mental health policies. In 2024, we will see a rise in employee well-being apps, surveys, and training, turning this into one of its principal recruiting trends.

5. Increase in workforce analytics

The aftereffects of COVID-19 will continue to plague our world and workplaces even when we step into 2024. The economy will continue to be erratic, and companies must ensure they can respond to the new, hectic realm. This is why workforce planning will be essential and added to the list of recent recruiting trends. Recruiters will implement digital tools that will analyze if every process is optimized. 

6. Data-driven recruitment strategy

Data drive strategy is one of the latest recruiting trends. Information and data will continue to pile up with remote work and ever-emerging changes that the coronavirus induces in the world of work. That is why managers must thoroughly understand data, budgets, and other essential information for a healthy bottom line. Hence, they will ensure that every strategy aligns with crucial data and reports.

7. Reinventing employee experience

Another trend from the draft of recruiting trends is reinventing the employer experience. Companies that work on employee engagement will grow their revenues up to 2.5 times more than their competitors. However, keeping workers connected and engaged in the new remote setting is challenging. And this is why recruiters will have to reinvent the employee experience and adjust it to the new realm.

mployee engagement grows their revenues up to 2.5 times more than their competitors

8. Employer branding needs to be super attractive 

Employer branding is one of the most significant recruitment trends in 2024 that every firm should pay attention to. Every job applicant examines a company's reputation and brand before applying for a position. As a result, employers are beginning to recognize the significance of preserving or developing their brand image. Future applicants, like clients, will want to be associated with a reputable company. 

9. Gamification

Employees risk feeling isolated, disconnected, and bored without office and in-person interactions. It is why one of the recruiting trends will be how to ensure employees are content and engagedOne of the best ways to achieve that is through gamification. Gamification makes 90% of hires more productive.

10. Ethical leadership

The DE&I values will become one of the more intense recruiting trends. So will the need to make workplaces pleasant and eliminate toxic behaviour and bullying. This is why it will be essential to develop and nurture ethical leadership that doesn't tolerate dubious remarks, nepotism or harmful conduct.

11. Targeting resilient personalities

The pandemic, economic crisis, and societal upheavals of 2022 have shown us that anti-fragility and resilience are crucial traits for every life situation. Those are the people who are strong in tumultuous times, and recruiters will seek these personalities during the recruitment process. Thus, we added this trend to the recruitment industry's checklist of new recruiting trends.

12. Recruitment Marketing should be elevated 

Another new trend in recruitment is to do Recruitment marketing. This entails incorporating conventional marketing strategies into your hiring procedure. Recruiters can locate, attract, and cultivate bright applicants with the support of efficient marketing methods. In essence, you will promote the company or job opportunity to the candidate, encouraging them to apply for job openings at your company.

13. The shrinkage of HR business partners

Most companies will strive toward being human-centric in 2024, focusing on close connections and people. That may trigger a decrease in the number of HR business partners or advisors a company will have. This is a remarkable HR recruiting trend in recruitment.

14. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be a crucial recruiting trend

As technology becomes more powerful, HR departments will experience an AI wave. Most companies will implement systems that work on the principle of artificial intelligence, making this one of the most significant recruiting trends of 2024.

15. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)

We might see the convergence of AI and VR/AR, even if that doesn't happen next year. Indeed, virtual and augmented reality will play a significant role in employee onboarding and training. It is an advanced technology that opens a path to many opportunities that can boost engagement.

16. Robotic process automation (RPA)

When we say RPA, we mean advanced chatbots and machine learning that will improve communication and productivity because they will speed up data processes.

17. Software development 

In recent years, efficient software development has been a dominant force in the recruiting landscape. However, the upcoming year promises an even greater surge in HR technology innovation. Expect to witness advancements in applicant tracking software, recruiting systems, and onboarding platforms. These innovations will not only streamline and enhance the recruitment process but also reshape the way organizations engage with and onboard new talent.

18. The gig economy will rise 

The pandemic caused higher levels of unemployment than those at the time of the Great Recession, meaning that many people were looking for jobs. Many job seekers will consider short-term gigs, which can boost employee empowerment and entrepreneurship.

19. Tailoring recruitment to the younger generations

Millennials are already the largest workforce, and Gen Z is joining its slightly older counterparts. As the youth will soon become the principal generation in the world of work, recruiters will have to adjust their recruitment strategies and campaigns for these two generations.

20. User-intuitive interface

The recovery from the chaos of 2022 means that people will prefer simplicity in the coming years more than after. It is why companies will choose HR tools that are straightforward, easy to browse, and have a seamless user interface.

21. Safety guidelines updates

The global landscape has experienced significant changes, and these shifts will undoubtedly shape recruiting trends in 2024. One of the paramount considerations is ensuring workplace safety. Organizations should thoroughly review and revise their compliance and safety guidelines to align with current measures and recommendations, prioritizing the well-being of their employees and stakeholders.

22. Payroll flexibility

Another thing that the pandemic is changing is our traditional approach to doing things. This is why we can expect that on-demand payments can become the new normal. Employees will require more flexibility when receiving their salaries, which might result in weekly payments.

23. Flexible schedules

As the lines between work and life continue to blur, organizations are recognizing the importance of offering adaptable work hours and arrangements to attract and retain top talent. Join us as we delve into the exciting realm of flexible schedules and how they are reshaping the recruitment landscape, enabling companies to tap into a wider pool of candidates and cater to the diverse needs of today's workforce.

Final Thoughts on Biggest Recruiting Trends

Never believe that recruitment will become apparent in the year 2024. But we can assume it will have minor challenges compared to 2023. Thus, you must follow the latest recruitment trends to overcome the previous year's difficulties.

These recruiting trends will help you streamline and optimize your overall hiring process by improving productivity and removing bad hires. Look at the above list of recruiting trends. Then, evaluate your recruiting methodology and recruitment tech stack to make great hiring in 2024.

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