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How to Improve Your Job Postings? - 10 Best Tips

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There is no time like now to check the job description and determine the job posting level. And, to know that, are you achieving the expectations from existing job postings? No? Then, start measuring the set goals and achieved goals via a job posting. Thus, we have brought this blog for you to know about job posting in detail, like what is a job posting and job posting best practices. 

What is a Job Posting?

Before reaching the different job posting tips and definition, let's know the other different name of job posting that is widely known:

Other names of job postings

The word job posting has more than 45 synonyms; hence, above are a few words that will give an insight into exactly what a blog is all about.

What is a Job Posting? 

A job posting is an online and offline advertisement for an open job position. The primary aim of job posting is to inform candidates about the vacancies with all the details and attract many applicants. 

For job postings, many organizations depend on a third-party service like staffing agencies. Other organizations, even employment staffing agencies, use new recruiting technology such as an applicant tracking system and recruiting software.

What are the Types of Job Postings?

Yes, there are two types of job postings recruiters use in recruitment marketing. An employer can post a job ad in the following two ways.

1. Internal job posting

Internal job posting happens within the boundary of an organization. This means the employer of an organization informs existing employees about the open position; thus, they can contribute by providing a reference. This is also known as an employee referral program.

While against it, they will get a special reward from the employer side. Most organizations adopt this strategy of job posting to save time, money and effort. 60% of jobs are found through networking — not online.

2) External job posting

Unlike an internal job posting, the external job posting is beyond organizational boundaries. To reach job posts to each individual, to each corner of the world, the employer uses various job boards, career sites and job aggregators.

This type of job posting is visible for everyone to anyone. Thus, candidates from different cities, states, and countries can apply for the position too.

What is the Difference Between Job Postings and Job Description?

People get confused between these two words: job posting and job description. And that is quite normal.

But the truth is they both are distinct from each other. Not wholly, but practically.

Job description

A job description is an internal draft prepared by the human resource department by knowing each aspect of an open position. This document can only be viewed by the internal staff of the organization. It is always written in a formal tone.

Job posting

A job posting is an external ad published by the employer on various platforms to attract top talent. The Advertisement is written in an engaging and attractive tone. This advertisement not only includes all the details about the position but also includes crucial things about company culture that make a positive difference.

How to Improve Your Job Postings?

In today's competitive recruiting market, your company wants access to quality resumes recruiting the best talent for the company. Since today's candidates have lots of choices for locating, obtaining their attention isn't simple. 

Also, these days, we do not seem to make creative and effective job ads. Even if candidates seeking jobs see a job posting of their potential, they do not click on that job posting. 

So it has become important to keep them there and persuade them to apply. So, do you think you are able to create a job posting that stands out?

Here are 10 (ten) job posting tips and job posting best practices. 

1. Write a clear job title

The very first thing to keep in mind while putting up a job posting is to give it a very clear and understandable title. If the job title does not make sense to the job seekers, they will simply scroll through it even without clicking on it. So, using a commonly understood job title is preferable over a cool title.

2. Prepare an engaging job description

Now that you have a title for your job posting, it's time to write a creative, engaging, and attractive description. Make your description as fancy and appealing as possible because, at the end of the day, this is recruitment advertising. But don't stay away from reality, and even though a few of the details sound boring, it is important to include them.

3. Highlight keywords

Another thing to consider while posting for a job is the keywords. The job description could be lengthy, and the job seeker might not read it through. So, by highlighting the keywords, the reader's focus directly goes on it. This makes it easier for the job seeker, and also, the probability of them applying for the job increases.

4. Provide salary details

Mostly, the very first information that a job seeker wants to know while applying for a job is the amount of salary they are going to earn if they get the job. So, posting the salary details can be beneficial as it decreases half the chase.

5. Give contact details

Sometimes, job seekers want to contact the company directly due to some query or any other reason, but they are unable to as there are no contact details to reach the company. So, make sure to add your contact details in the job description.

6. Implement selling trick

The best way to sell a job posting is to sell it like selling any other product on a phone call or in person. This makes your job posting more understandable and approachable. The corporate terminologies will wind up the job seekers, so the trick is to tell a story instead of just putting out a piece of set-out information.

7. Add images

Adding an image to the job posting adds to its appeal and keeps the jobseeker's attention on the details of the post. This image could be about the company's statistics, work details, job hours, employee benefits, and much more.

8. Promote job posting video

It has been proven that visuals hold more attention and are more appealing than a simple test. So, the best way to put up a job posting is via a video. It is seen that a video job posting has been seen more than regular job postings and has also got more responses.

9. Avoid login

One tedious task that stops people from applying for jobs is making an account and going through the login process. So, it is recommended not to ask the jobseekers to go through the log-in before they apply for the job. If you want to actively communicate with the applicant, you can put the log-in at the end of the application.

10. Mobile-friendly application process 

Today, the world operates from the palm of its hands via mobile phones, and often, recruiters or companies forget to consider that factor. So, ensure that your job posting website is mobile-friendly and that every feature is supported on all mobile phones.

How to do Job Postings on Indeed?

Do you know? There are 100 million job resumes on Indeed, while 9.8 new jobs are added per second. Furthermore, 16 million job postings and 10 million company reviews. Thus, these facts show why Indeed is one of the most popular and frequently used job boards.

Here are the steps to advertise the job on Indeed:

  • Go to the employer home page at the site of Indeed.

  • Sign up for the employer account.

  • Go to the job detail tab.

  • Enter the job description while promoting.

Final Thought about Effective Job Postings

Here are ten job posting tips that will help you to improve the job posting process. To attract the most qualified candidate and to avoid bad hires, job posting and creation are essential. Now that you have learned about these simple ways to make a better job posting, we hope you find the best candidates for the job.

Best of Luck!   

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