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What are the 6 HR Best Practices in 2024?

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Human resource and HR best practices are constantly going through the examination part and turn into one of the hot debate topics in the working world. If you also have questions concerning the human resource and its best practices, such as:

  • What is human resource?
  • What are the different tasks and responsibilities of human resources?
  • What are various HR best practices?

If yes, then don't skip this blog: What are the 6 HR Best Practices?

A successful and stable business that can overcome internal and external obstacles needs to have a well-established Human resources department that helps to navigate through all hiring-related processes. Otherwise, if human resource lacks mission, personnel, or practice guidelines, a company won't be able to accomplish their recruiting objectives.

That's why HR and HR best practices are an on-going hot topic, especially during the pandemic. The industry often examines and re-thinks the best universal practices that help a business to perform optimally. But they aren't that easy to determine because not every procedure can apply in the same manner to every organization.

Daily routine of a human resource manager

Human resource principles have to be tailored to the organization's goals, culture, and mission to affect all departments and strategies. Once a company discovers the best way to blend these three and get satisfactory results, they are performing strategic HR management.

Although every company should try to decide which practice works best for them, this is our comprehensive guide on human resources best practices.

What is a Human Resource? The Definition

Let's get back to the essential basics because many organizations don't have a full or right idea of what Human resources are and what they do. That usually leads to overwhelmed or recruiters who find their job role unclear.

Human resources consist of a set of professionals who make the workforce backbone of an organization or business sector. As a department, they handle compensation, recruitment, and manage's organization's human capital; as a single person, a human resource is an individual working within the organization's general workforce and helping the business to perform and succeed with their skills and knowledge.

These departments or individuals manage all worker-related matters, such as recruitment and selection, budget and employee satisfaction maintenance, benefits, implementing an organizational culture, training, and onboarding new employees. However, their responsibilities are not limited to these above as they depend on the company's needs.

Human Resources Tasks and Responsibilities

If we dive deeper into what it is that they do, we will see that their efforts and actions touch every department and employee within the company on some level. However, these are the principal responsibilities HR takes.

Human resources task responsibilities

#1: Employee relations management

HR has the responsibility to handle and nurture worker-to-worker and worker-to-organization relations. Therefore, they aim to ensure proper treatment and positive interactions between members of a company, which will make everyone like coming to work and helping the business improve and grow.

#2: Hire structure development

HR departments have to manage the complete staffing plan, which means conducting the gap analysis to detect which skills they need to target in talent acquisition. They also have the responsibility of identifying talents that don't meet the company's standards and having to fire them.

#3: Employee job satisfaction

HR's work doesn't end with finding the best talents. They also need to ensure their job satisfaction and entice their desire to come to work every day, be productive, and add value to the company. Therefore, employees need to know that they can grow and change departments, and HR should ensure that they are aware of that. In case there are unsatisfied workers, Human resources will work with them on that issue and try to solve the problem.

#4: Employee benefits management

Being generous and providing good worker's benefits is one of the best retention strategies. That is another field of management for HR as they administer the amount and form of worker's perks an organization provides.

#5: Remuneration management

HR is responsible for payroll and compensation, which includes workers' compensation, salary schedules, and tax-related paperwork and bureaucracy. Thus, they need to handle promotions and employee bonuses.

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#6: Organizational structure and business plan

CEOs and managers don't work alone on creating, distributing, and handling their business plans; instead, HR helps them in the organizational culture's development and maintenance.

#7: New employee training

Onboarding usually consists of training necessary for a new hire to feel integrated and ready for their new job position. Hiring managers handle all training-related activities.

#8: Organizational culture development

One of the essential tasks for the company's performance and unity is the creation and maintenance of a company's culture codes; that is also HR's responsibility. They will help the company determine its mission statement, philosophy, goals, ethical standards, and expectations.

#9: Healthy workplace environment

Every employee deserves a healthy and safe work environment, and HR helps setting office standards that ensure that.

#10: Administrative work

Many organizations use software and digital help that alleviates this task because HR has to handle a lot of paperwork, such as tax laws and requirements, job applications, workers' contracts, and payroll documentation.

    HR Best Practices in 2024 [Human Resource Best Practices]

    First of all, although they are both essential for a company reaching its full potential, we must differentiate HR practices and activities. Human resource practices present strategic operations, which are the groundwork for employee management, but they align with the organization's business plan. human resource activities are carried out on a daily level to apply strategies that HR practices regulate. For example, those activities are payroll, benefits, and overtime.

    However, these are the human resource best practices for 2024 that can help a company achieve its potential amidst the pandemic.

    HR Practices

    HR Best Practice #1: Safe and happy workplace management  

    COVID-19 is highlighting the need to keep employees healthy and take care of their well-being. Therefore, HR should develop and maintain standards that ensure a safe workplace where hires love to be and can perform well.

    HR Best Practice #2: Open book management style

    Just like everyone else, employees hate uncertainties and doubts, which is why you should have an open-management and a lead transparent business. Keep your employees updated and in the loop with the company's on-going as that will increase their loyalty and productivity.

    HR Best Practice #3: Performance enticed bonuses

    One of the best ways to ensure a company will reach the desired levels of profitability while also keeping employees efficient is to create bonuses according to the teams and individual performance and success.

    HR Best Practice #4: Transparent and fair evaluation system

    A company should ensure that their evaluation system is tailored to its corporate goals and that all performance reports are transparent and available to employees. It's recommendable to track their work throughout the year and base evaluation on achievements.

    HR Best Practice #5: 360-Degree feedback

    All organization's personnel should receive genuine insights into their performance and what they can do better. A system that allows all-encompassing feedback from all team members, including seniors. Ensure that everyone receives constructive criticism and advice.

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    HR Best Practice #6: Top performers highlight

    If you want to motivate your staff and reward them for their accomplishments. Ensure recognition of the best performers and make them visible across all departments.

    Final Thought about Human Resource Best Practices

    Above best HR practices guide include everything from hiring employees to train them and creating an open and safe company environment.

    By implementing these best practices are the basic and crucial form of good human resource management. By following these principles, you can effectively improve employee satisfaction and correlatively productivity.

    Ultimately reduce the organization's employee turnover rate and amplify the retention rate.

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