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How To Use Social Media Recruiting Effectively To Generate Leads?

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Generating lead is one of the recruiting strategies to form a deep customer pool. Lead generation via social media recruiting is becoming a popular part of the marketing strategy. Check out this blog to know what social recruiting is and the effective ways to generate leads via social media recruiting.  

What is a Lead in Recruitment? 

In general terms of marketing, lead is the customer you buy the company's product or utilizing the company's service or have shown some interest in the company's product and service. Thus, potential customers are leads in marketing.

But, lead in recruitment is different. For recruiters, leads are the potential future candidates. Potential candidates whose profile is similar to the ideal candidate and also have the interest to grab the opportunity. Recruiting via social media is growing with 84% of organizations using it currently and 9% planning to use it.

Social media recruiting is the growing method

The central goal of every recruiters and hiring manager to generate high quality leads for future vacancies. Through the high volume of quality leads, they can fill the position faster and quicker.

Social Media Recruiting Era

Recruiting candidates manually is an old fashion and boring process. In the era of 2k21, we need to focus on recruiting via social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (We can use Youtube too).

Recruiters always check the background of the candidate. How he was at his last job and how much he is social. Nowadays, it is very easy to find out the original personality of a candidate from their social media accounts. According to the survey, 92% of Recruiters use social media to find high-quality candidates. (Source)

10 ways to recruit by social media

What is Social Media Recruiting?

As a good recruiter, you always need to find qualified and talented candidates who have multi - skills with a dedicated mindset. And for finding the candidates, recruiters use different platforms. One of the most significant platforms that recruiters use is social networking sites.

Via Social Platforms recruiters can find a wide range of talents on the same platform. Recruiting candidates using social media and performing maximum recruitment activities such as job posting, advertising, attracting and sourcing candidates, and collecting candidates' data from social media is known as social media recruiting.  70% of hiring managers say they've successfully hired with social media. (Source)

Successful hiring through social media

Recruiters can easily detect the candidates on social media with all their background history. Social Recruiting tools helps recruiters to understand what candidates want nowadays and how to get a better candidate within your criteria. The most likely benefit of Social Recruiting is to get a large number of skills on the same platform using only social skills.

How is Social Media Recruiting Different from Other Types of Recruitment?

You might have heard about the different types of recruitment, such as online recruitment, external recruitment, internal recruitment, referral program recruitment, and so on. In all the above types of recruitment require a direct connection with candidates. But, recruiting via social media does not require any direct connection.

In Social Recruiting, it is also important to have the right connections in use at the right time. Today, LinkedIn is the largest social platform used by professional recruiters to find out the next star candidate.

As per research, Recruiters use LinkedIn as the first place in Social Media to find out the right candidate with 97%. Facebook comes in second place with 51%. Recruiters use 48% of Twitter profiles as a reference. Except for these large platforms, recruiters use Google+ (20%) and Pinterest (4%) too.

Social recruiting analysis

Another great benefit of using the social recruiting method is that It is Free of Cost and you can share your content with the largest number of people with only one touch. Social platforms give you open space to freely connect with everyone and open up about your requirements. Candidates can also discuss their needs and convenience.

Effective Ways to Use Social Media Recruiting Tools for Lead Generation 

Yes, recruiting via social media is a really effective way to hire great employees. But, if social networking sites are used in a fruitful manner. For making social media recruiting effective, recruiters have to put their large part of the investment in it. Investment in terms of time and research. 79% of job applicants use social media in their job search.

job seeker use social media for the job search

Millions of people are available on social networking sites. From which, some are actively looking for the job. Attracting active candidates is quite easy. But, through social media recruiting, recruiters can build up strong connections with passive candidates. And by sharing various content, videos, by tagging recruiters can create positive sectors about the opening job.

So, let's start knowing some effective ways to use social media recruiting tools for lead generation.

Determine your brand value on social media

Higher employer brand value serves the multitudinous benefits to the business. And one of the benefits is easy to attract the candidates. Every candidate wants to work for the company that has a good reputation in the market. At least 58% of U.S. consumers use social media to follow brands. (Source)

Millions of candidates want to attach to the right company. Share the content that shows that your company is the right place to work, and your employee is worthy for your company. Tell your existing employees or ex-employees to share their positive experience on social media. And attract the candidate originally.  

Video sharing technique

Video sharing is the most useful technique for attracting candidates than others. It has been proven that sharing videos, especially short ones, creates 10 times more engagement with the user than other content types. Even 52 per cent of marketing professionals agreed that this type of content provides a great investment return.

Hence, create an appealing video of your company culture and work environment to target active as well as passive candidates. Manipulating passive candidates' minds through this type of content is a good recruiting strategy.

Involve your employees 

Candidates are attracted to what they see and then what they hear about the company. Reviews about your company from existing or past employees, create an immense impact on the candidates' decision toward the company.

Ask your employees to be involved in the recruitment process. And tell them to share some content about their experience with the company on their social media account by tagging your company's account. The content might be some stories, pictures, or any celebration. The power of others thinking about the company matters the most. And their connection becomes your future leads. In a survey from Monster, 65% of respondents would consider a new job opportunity if they heard about it through a personal connection in their network.(Source)

Recruitment through personnel connection

Join the groups

Many social networking sites are obtainable where group creation features are available such as LinkedIn, Facebook and so on. By joining such a professional group on different sites can boost your social media recruiting process. There are also similar communities where candidates are involved in order to get recruited and form connections with recruiters. 

But, yes, join the group according to the requirement. For example, if you are seeking the salesperson, join the group like the Sales Association Group. Through this way, recruiters can expand their network by generating the leads and reach to the right talent.

Severity of hashtags

We know the power of social media, but due know the capability of hashtags. If no, then find out some time to know the real power of hashtags. Putting # before the work will create magic, then you're mistaken. Hashtags on social media are just not about  # before the word.

Find out the best and more useful hashtags for social media recruiting for lead generation. The hashtags with maximum reach and high volume can also be generated using hashtag generator tools. Hashtags not only target the potential audience but also misguide them if wrong hashtags have been used.

Final Words about Social Media Recruiting

Recruiters using Social Recruiting have a bright future in order to get the best candidates. Therefore the recruiters have started using social recruiting tools and systems.

iSmartRecruit gives you the best of all social recruiting tools. Using iSmartRecruit recruiters can post their job on different social media platforms using only one interface.

It gives you multiple platform integration like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can promote your job on social media as well as other Job Boards too.

iSmartRecruit gives you the following facilities in Social Recruiting Feature.

  • Multiple Account Configuration.
  • Promote Jobs from the single interface to multiple channels and accounts including company pages.
  • Show full details of Job to the Job Seekers.
  • Automatic redirection of an Application to iSmartRecruit.

The Social Recruiting Tool You've Been Waiting For

iSmartRecruit's offers award-winning Social Recruiting Tools. To explore the technology iSmartRecruit offers request a demonstration.

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